Prof Peter G. Kirchschlaeger joins ETH AI Center as a Visiting Professor
As part of the visiting professorship, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger will contribute the ethical perspective both to the research at ETH AI Center as well as in courses at ETH Zurich.

Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lucerne, is invited to join the Chair of Neuroinformatics and Neural Systems at ETH Zurich and the ETH AI Center as a Visiting Professor. The background of this invitation is his research focus on the ethics of digital transformation and the ethics of "artificial intelligence (AI)". His latest book from 2021 on this topic is titled "Digital Transformation and Ethics. Ethical Considerations on the Robotization and Automation of Society and the Economy and the Use of Artificial Intelligence."
Prior to joining the University of Lucerne, he was 2015-2017 Visiting Fellow at Yale University. In addition to his research and teaching, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger is also a consulting expert on ethical issues for national and international organisations and institutions (e.g. for the UN, UNESCO, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE], the European Union [EU], the Council of Europe, companies and NGOs). Among others, he is member of the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology ECNH.
As part of the visiting professorship, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger will contribute the ethical perspective both to the research of the Chair of Neuroinformatics and Neural Systems and the ETH AI Center and in courses at ETH Zurich. He will thus actively develop the area of "Art and Critical Thinking" at the AI Center as well as conduct research on, among other topics, the ethical dimension of "AI" and the need for a common ethical basis of collaborative AI. This visiting professorship of Peter G Kirchschlaeger is a good complement to our actions to shape the future around AI involving the general public & policy-makers by giving inputs on policy, regulations, and framework conditions for trustworthy AI.