Fellowship Programs
We are involved in three PhD and Post-Doc Programs
Please see below a brief overview of the different types of PhD programs. Please note that while the programs are well coordinated, you need to apply for each of the programs separately and also ensure that your motivational letter fits with the corresponding program goals.

ETH AI Center PhD and Post-Doc Fellowships
Our flagship PhD & Post-Doc Program is focused on advancing interdisciplinary AI research. This can be inside the AI foundations or between AI foundations and application areas. The idea is that fellows work with two excellent PIs which carry both equal weights in the supervision. Fellows have their primary office at the physical space of the ETH AI Center and become part of a cohort. Key selection criteria are ability for research excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and impact-orientation.
CLS PhD Fellowships
The Center for Learning Systems (CLS) is a joint initiative between Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Tübingen/Stuttgart, Germany and ETH Zurich. The core idea is to benefit from a combination of advisors of these two AI hubs through a mobility phase where the fellows have spend one year at the institution of the co-advisor.
CLS PhD Fellowship application: external page https://learning-systems.org/
ELLIS PhD Fellowships
We are a proud member of ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems - which is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. The ELLIS PhD Fellowships enable a single central application for PhD positions across Europe. A mobility component to spend at least 6 months at another ELLIS unit or choose an industry track is a must.
ELLIS PhD application: external page https://ellis.eu/phd-postdoc