AI & Art Seminar (Spring Semester 2022)
What Kind of AI Do We Want? Bringing Artistic and Technological Practices Together
In this seminar we look at "artificial intelligence" (AI) as a historical-material practice. That is, we understand AI as shaped by the concrete conditions of its development and use. We will address the current discourse within our democratically shaped society around trustworthy AI and look at decolonial and indigenous approaches to AI.
Learning Objectives
The students get to know a completely new field (art ←→ computer science). They have tested how inspiring interdisciplinary collaboration can be and applied their newly acquired knowledge by designing a practice-oriented project/ AI+Art prototype in mixed groups. In addition, they take away with them the social contribution that can be made with ML.
The seminar consists of presentations (lectures) covering the topics listed below. The presentations will be discussed in depth and key publications from computer science and art/theory will be read and discussed. Experts from the various fields and artists will be invited and selected works of art will be discussed.
Invited experts and artists:
- Dr. Tiara Roxanne, (researcher and artist, Post-Doc fellow Data&Society NYC)
- Aparna Rao (researcher and artist, ETH)
- PD Dr. Alexander Ilic (executive director, ETH AI Center)
- Dr. Menna El-Assady (Post-Doc Fellow ETH AI Center)
- Prof. Hoda Heidari (CMU)
At the end of the seminar, interdisciplinary teams will develop concepts for joint practice-related projects.
- History Art+Science
- Machine Learning for Artists
- Bias & Digital Colonialism
- Trustworthy AI
Course materials
Course materials will be made available here: