Tech Investing (Autumn Semester 2022)
ETH Zurich's first lecture on venture capital for the next generation of mission-driven tech entrepreneurs & investors.
Technology has the potential to transform our society. But without the right team & funding, some break-throughs will never see the light of day. This seminar helps aspiring student/research entrepreneurs to understand how to fund the path from research into practice. The examples and cases will be primarily from software, AI, health, sustainability, and other deep-tech ventures.
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the differences between VC and founder thinking
- Evaluate if a start-up is suited for venture capital (“VC readiness”)
- Evaluate founder friendliness of term sheets
- Determine funding needs & strategy for a start-up from research to first round
- Write and evaluate an investment memo
The seminar features guest speakers from leading venture capital firms and start-ups. The course embraces a unique perspective combining technology and investor thinking. The learning experience is hands-on & interactive thanks to a simulated investment committee case. Participants form interdisciplinary teams, get pitched by actual Swiss seed start-ups, create a deal memo and defend the case in front of a jury consisting of leading European VCs and investors. The seminar is structured in five days with the following themes.

Guest speakers & jury members
- Alexander Schläpfer, Swisscom Ventures
- Aline Vedder, Lakestar
- Andreas Helbig, Atomico
- Antonia Albert, Wingman Ventures
- Cédric Waldburger, Tomahawk VC & Stealth Web3 Venture Studio
- Cristina Koehn, Picus Capital
- Daniel Dillinger, Redalpine
- Dietrich Aumann, Helsana HealthInvest
- Dimitri Bilyarchyk, Atlantic Labs
- Edward Kliphuis, Sofinnova
- Ewa A. Treitz, Amazon
- Falk Haurenherm,
- Falko Paetzold, UZH Center for Sustainable Finance & Private Wealth
- Gina Domanig, Emerald Technology Ventures
- Inderpreet Whadwa, Clime Finance
- Isabel Siegrist, Sandborn
- Jeremias Meier,
- Julia Wagner, S2S Ventures
- Luzius Meisser, Bitcoin Suisse & Aktionariat
- Namratha Kothapalli, Speedinvest
- Nathan Benaich, Air Street Capital
- Nettra Pan, NFT Factory
- Pascal Weinberger, Bardeen Inc.
- Philipp Stauffer, FyrFly Venture Partners
- Rasmus Rothe, Merantix & AI Campus Berlin
- Selim Benayat, KICK Fund & CreatorSpace
- Stephen Nundy, Lakestar
- Thomas Dübendorfer, SICTIC
Main instructors
Andrea Lidberg (Manager, ETH Entrepreneurship)
Mathematical physicist with research experience in quantum dynamics and natural language processing. Before joining ETH in May, 2021 she was a technology venture capital investor in Switzerland and the Netherlands. In her role as Entrepreneurship Manager at ETH she supports prospective founders and spin-offs in software and engineering sciences, building an ecosystem in which young tech entrepreneurs can grow and thrive.
Alexander Ilic (Executive Director, ETH AI Center)
Swiss-German deep tech entrepreneur, researcher, and investor. Alex was a professor at University of St.Gallen (HSG), an e-Lab fellow at MIT, has two exits under his belt as entrepreneur (Dacuda, acquired by Magic Leap 2017) and investor (VAY acquired by Nautilus 2021), was named twice "Entrepreneur of the Year" (2011 by HSG, 2012 by EY) and won the Swiss Economic Award. He is passionate about helping talents to find their path to entrepreneurship as chairman of Talent Kick and board member of the student-run S2S Ventures.
Cynthia Jurytko (Chairwoman, S2S Ventures & Business Angel)
Cynthia is the Chairwoman of S2S.VC, Switzerland's first cross-campus student-led venture fund. She also leads investment syndicates with a Micro VC that invests in mission-driven founders that leverage B2B technologies to shape the future biggest industries in order to make the world more sustainable, inclusive and healthy. As a Board Advisor she supports founders with her know-how and diverse network. Previously, she worked as a strategy consultant at Roland Berger and led the corporate spin-off activities at Valora Group.
Join as non ETH Student
Doctoral students of any Swiss university or students of EPFL, UZH, Uni Bern, Uni Basel can register (free of charge) as special student at ETH and therefore directly join the lecture. More info:
For any other request, please reach out to the lecture TA.